Brown Recluse Spiders

brown recluse spiderIt’s That Time of Year When Brown Recluse Spiders Come In To Your Home

It’s no surprise to anyone that Brown Recluse Spiders reside in the Kansas City area. This venomous spider is found throughout the midwest, and we are right in the heart of the areas they tend to inhabit. The brown recluse spider AKA, violin spider has one of the more venomous bites of any species found in our region. It’s bite is second only to the Black Widow spider.

Brown recluse spiders are usually between 6–20 mm (1⁄4 in and 3⁄4 in), but may grow larger. While typically light to medium brown, they range in color from cream-colored to dark brown or blackish gray. The cephalothorax and abdomen may not necessarily be the same color. These spiders usually have markings on the dorsal side of their cephalothorax, with a black line coming from it that looks like a violin with the neck of the violin pointing to the rear of the spider, resulting in the nicknames fiddleback spider, brown fiddler or violin spider. They frequently build their webs in woodpiles and sheds, closets, garages, plenum, cellars and other places that are dry and generally undisturbed.

When dwelling in human residences, brown recluse spiders seem to favor cardboard, possibly because it mimics the rotting tree bark which they inhabit naturally. Brown recluse spiders have also been encountered in shoes, inside dressers, in bed sheets of infrequently used beds, in clothes stacked or piled or left lying on the floor, inside work gloves, behind baseboards and pictures, in toilets, and near sources of warmth when ambient temperatures are lower than usual. Human-spider contact often occurs when such isolated spaces are disturbed and the spider feels threatened. Unlike most web weavers, they leave these lairs at night to hunt. Males move around more when hunting than do females, which tend to remain nearer to their webs.

When it comes to control and eradication of this elusive spider, inspection is key. RAM Exterminators has the tools and abilities to locate, and get rid of this dangerous spider for good!

Whether you’re in Shawnee, Kansas, Independence, Missouri, or Kansas City, WE HAVE YOU COVERED. Call us today to make sure your family and children are safe from the Brown Recluse Spider!!

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